San Cibrao

City and Port of San Cibrao

Nickname(s): San Cibrao Concello de Cervo
City Council Region of A Mariña Occidental
 • Alcalde (Mayor) 1

San Cibrao (the name is Galician, also known by the Spanish-language San Ciprián) is an industrial and fishing town, part of Cervo (which is both a settlement and municipality of the Lugo Province) in Northwestern Spain.


Port of San Cibrao

History, Tourism and general information

The population of San Cibrao is about 3,000 in July and August and about 2,000 the rest of the year.

Part of the town of San Cibrao lies on the "Peace Peninsula" (Peninsula de la Paz) which is surrounded by the Cantabrian Sea, whose waters in this area typically reach a high summer temperature of 18°C; there are five beaches in the area.

The area does not draw many tourists. The region's economy depends on fishing and on an aluminium plant owned by Alcoa. The nearby coast is generally undeveloped and receives strong north-easterly winds throughout the winter, which makes the comarca or administrative unit of la Mariña Lucense, like much of the Asturian and Basque coast, excellent for surfing and water sports.

Prestige oil spill (November 13, 2002): As of 2004, nether the shellfish and fish populations, nor any sea food related industries seems to be still affected in any way by its terrible impact and contamination.

The fiesta of A Maruxaina is celebrated the second Saturday of August. It is related to a popular legend about a siren who lives on some small islands, Os farallons, near San Cibrao. This festival has been distinguished by the National Centers of Cultural Interest. Most of the townspeople dress on this day as Maruxainos, that is, in costumes that resemble the dress of days past. Ritually, at noon, the mariners bring the siren from the islands onto shore, were in front of the museum they create a mock-trial to judge the Maruxaina on whether she is good or bad. After this the townsfolk serve a potent brew of "Queimada".


See also

External links